How to keep water from Freezing
How to keep water for animals from freezing
How to keep water for animals from freezing
HOLIDAY QUICKIE AUCTION Ends Monday November 25th at midnight EST Get started with your shopping early and help community cats...
***Spaghetti Dinner Oct 27th***** We need baskets for the spaghetti dinner. I can piece together baskets. Here are some ideas if anyone...
Kittens Kittens and more Kittens. Please remember don't remove kittens. Sometimes they are too you g to be taken from mom. Please spay...
*****Auction***** All proceeds go to TNR for our west communities and Mckees Rocks communities. We find homes for friendlies, remove...
Seen an ear tipped cat? "Taken care if..."
Thank you and good luck everyone!
Hi Everyone, We will be trapping in the Elliott, Sheraden, Esplen, Windgap,and Mckees Rocks areas. The goal for October is 60. Please if...
This was on my memories. It's a great story. A story about a beat up feral cat...dying..but given a chance to make a difference. Before...
Cat Ears Revolution Who would like to jump on the Cat Ears Revolution Steelers Football 🏈 Fun? There are 17 regular games price is $10...
We have a problem in society. We have many, but let's focus on one thing. Spaying and neutering of pets. We are a throw away society. We...
Hoagie fundraiser August 2023
40 cats most in 4 hours!
*****we are approved for the matching funds for the Spakitty dinner******* I am sooo excited. We may get a grant matching from Community...